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AWS EC2 Instance



Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is an elastic, pay-as-you-go computing service. The platform offers on-demand capacity for running almost any type of application or workload in the cloud, with pay-as-you-go pricing. You can also use this service to launch instances that are dedicated or reserved for your applications


Instance types are different combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity that allow you to choose the best mix of resources for your applications. Each instance type comes with one or more instance sizes, allowing you to scale your resources to meet the needs of your target workload.

Instance types comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your applications. Each instance type includes one or more instance sizes, allowing you to scale your resources to the requirements of your target workload.

For example:

  • A m4.2xlarge is capable of 2 CPUs, or 8 cores per CPU (128 threads). It can be configured with up to 24 GB DDR4 RAM and 1 TB SATA3 SSD storage but has no GPU support. The m1.medium has been retired as an Amazon EC2 instance type; however it remains available in Amazon VPC in certain regions outside North America (e.g., Asia-Pacific).

The first step when using Ec2 is knowing what type instance you need .

The first step when using Ec2 is knowing what type instance you need.

  • On-Demand Instance

  • Reserved Instance

  • Spot Instance (Roughly $0.05/hour)

  • Dedicated Hosts

General Purpose

The most common type of instance is the general purpose instance, which is designed to provide moderate performance at a low cost. They are appropriate for a wide range of applications and use cases, including web hosting, application serving, infrastructure testing, and development environments.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) provides on-demand computing resources and services in the cloud, with pay-as-you-go pricing. It's designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers, and many popular web applications are already hosted in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a web-scale cloud computing service. It makes it easier for developers to host their applications in the cloud, and many popular web applications are already hosted in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

Amazon EC2 provides on-demand computing resources and services in the cloud, with pay-as-you-go pricing. It's designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers, and many popular web applications are already hosted on EC2 instances.

There are different types of ec2 instances available.

There are different types of ec2 instances available. They differ in terms of memory, disk space and other features.

  • General purpose ( EC2-G ) is the default instance type for AWS users. It is suitable for most applications and workloads. This instance type has unlimited memory, 1 CPU core and 2 EC2-Classic instances with 1 vCPU each per virtual machine (VM). It also includes 100GB/month of EBS storage space at no additional cost, which is enough space to run many applications at once or store large amounts of data if needed

General purpose

General-purpose instances are the most commonly used type of instance. They're designed to handle a variety of workloads and can be used for a wide range of applications.

You can choose from multiple sizes, which vary by vCPU and memory size.


On-demand instance types are the most flexible option in EC2. Instances are launched on demand when they're needed, so you can scale up or down your capacity as demand changes.


Reserved instances are ideal for workloads that run for a fixed period of time, such as batch processing or data warehousing. Reserved instances are available in one-year and three-year terms.


Spot instances are the most flexible type of instance, and can save you money if your applications are designed to tolerate occasional failures. They’re similar to on-demand instances, but with a lower price.

Spot instance types are available in all AWS regions except for those that include the United States East (N. Virginia) region in their list of available regions.

Dedicated host

Dedicated instances are virtual servers that run one or more virtual CPUs and have their own dedicated storage, RAM, and network capacity. They're available in a range of instance types and sizes:

  • A t2.micro instance is the most cost-effective option for small applications (under 1 GB). It uses two CPU cores and up to 2 GB of memory per server core at a maximum of 24 GB total RAM available across all instances on your account.

  • A m1.small instance offers similar performance as t2 micros but with less disk space (<20GB) compared to its smaller brother (10GB). This means you'll need to pay less money per month if you don't need much hard drive space or want access only occasionally outside normal business hours when no other users are present on the same physical location where EC2 runs theirs; however it does come at the cost of slightly lower capacity because each individual object requires more time than its bigger counterparts due mostly due file system overhead (which increases over time).


If you want to run your own server, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is an excellent choice. EC2 provides cloud compute power and allows you to run Linux-based virtual machines. These instances can be used to run any application or service that needs to run on a server, including web servers and databases.

EC2 instances come in three varieties: standard, high-performance and high-memory. Standard instances have more RAM than other types of instances but less CPU power; high-performance instances have higher CPU capabilities as well as additional storage space; and high-memory versions provide an additional GB of RAM per core when compared to standard laptop hardware specs.


As you can see from our table, there are many different types of Amazon EC2 instances. Each one has its unique pros and cons, so it's important to know what type of instance suits your needs before making any decisions.

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